Known discography of BLANCO Y NEGRO
(41 records found)
rate it the monochrome setjacobs ladder NEG-004 198412" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainpsychocandy BYN-007 198512"
rate it the jesus and mary chainnever understand NEG-008 198512" ep
rate it the monochrome setwallfower NEG-012 / 198512" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainyou trip me up NEG-013 198512" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainjust like honey NEG-017 198512" ep
rate it jamesstutter 198612"
rate it jameschain mail JIM-003 19867"
rate it the jesus and mary chaindarklands BYN-011 198712"
rate it the jesus and mary chainapril skies NEG-024 198712" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainhappy when it rains NEG-025 198712" ep
rate it jamesyaho & 3 NEG-026 198712" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chaindarklands NEG-029 198712" ep
rate it jamesstrip-mine 198812"
rate it jameswhat for NEG-031 198812" ep
rate it the jesus and marychainsidewalking NEG-032 198812" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainautomatic BYN-020 198912"
rate it the jesus and mary chainblues from a gun NEG-041 198912" ep
rate it the jesus and marychainhead on NEG-042 198912" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainrollercoaster e.p. NEG-045 199012" ep
rate it dinosaur jrgreen mind 1991CD
rate it dinosaur jrwhatever's cool with me 1991CD ep
rate it dinosaur jrthe wagon NEG-048 199112" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainhoney's dead 1992CD
rate it the jesus and mary chainreverence NEG-055 / 199212" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainfar gone and out NEG-056 199212" ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainalmost gold NEG-057 199212" ep
rate it dinosaur jrstart choppin NEG-061 1992CD ep
rate it dinosaur jrget me / NEG-060 1992CD ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainthe sound of speed 1993CD
rate it dinosaur jrwhere you been 1993CD
rate it dinosaur jrout there CD1 NEG-063 1993CD ep
rate it dinosaur jrout there CD2 NEG-063 1993CD ep
rate it the jesus and mary chainsound of speed NEG-066 199310"
rate it dinosaur jrwithout a sound 1994CD
rate it the jesus and mary chaincome on NEG-073 19947"
rate it the jesus and mary chaincome on NEG-073CD1 1994CD ep
rate it the jesus and mary chaincome on NEG-073CD2 1994CD ep
rate it dinosaur jrfeel the pain NEG-074 1994CD ep
rate it the jesus and mary chaini hate rock n' roll NEG-081 1995CD ep
rate it dinosaur jrhand it over 1997CD
ASSOCIATED LABELS warner, wea, sire

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